Winchester & District Probus Club

Personal Data Usage - Summary

Winchester & District PROBUS Club collects data from members when they join by using an Application Form.

The personal data is recorded from the Application Form into a list of Members data held by the Membership Secretary. This consists of:-
Title, Full Name, Surname, Address, Post Code, Telephone No., Email Address, Date of Birth, Known Name, Name of Wife/Partner, Occupation before retirement, Interests/Hobbies

On the form a consent box will be provided that the Applicant must tick to confirm his consent for the club to use his personal data.

This personal data is held until a member leaves Winchester & District PROBUS Club, when it is deleted from the list of members' data. At any time a member can change his data or consent by contacting the Membership Secretary and also ask for a copy of the data.

The completed paper Application Form will be archived as proof of the original Application meeting GDPR requirements. The data will only be used by the Club for the following activities:-

To refresh personal data held and consent given, every year, all members will be asked to complete a consent renewal form on which they will be asked to verify their data and re confirm their consent. This data will be used to update the list of membership data. The renewal information will be archived by the Club as proof of the consent renewal meeting GDPR requirements.

More detailed information is available in the Winchester PROBUS Club's policies for Data Protection and for Privacy.

issue1.1 April 2018