Winchester & District Probus Club

Winchester and District Probus - Privacy Policy

Winchester & District PROBUS Club treats your privacy rights seriously. This privacy policy sets out how we will deal with your ’personal data’.

When you join you are asked to provide certain personal data. This includes title, full name, home address, email address, telephone number, name known by, name of wife or partner, date of birth, occupation prior to retirement, hobbies/interests

We, the Club, also require that you provide consent for us to store and use your data. Your consent is required in order to ensure the Club's compliance with data protection legislation.

We use your data:

We will send you messages by email, telephone and post to advise you of our activities and other activities relating to PROBUS.

We may disclose data about you:

If for any other reason we need to disclose your data to anyone outside of our PROBUS Club, we will inform you as to who the data will be disclosed to and for what purpose.

Your data will not be stored by the Club longer than needed by your membership.

To ensure the data we hold is accurate and up to date, members need to inform us about any changes to their data. You can do this by contacting the Membership Secretary at any time. Contacts for him are in the list of members.

The Club has in place security safeguards to protect your data against loss or theft, as well as unauthorised access.

This policy is available on the Club's website or can be requested in paper form from the Membership Secretary. If the Club makes any material change to the policy; we will make members aware of the change.

If you have any queries about this policy, or have any complaints about the Club's privacy practices, please contact our President. His details are in the list of members.

Policy review date: 04/23

issue 1.1 April 2018